Here I will write about my thoughts and experiences as a mother, wife, career woman. Come watch my self-exploration. I strive towards progress not perfection in my life and in my parenting.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Day 13: 20 Day Commitment to Becoming a More Mindful Mother
Today's topic is meditating about? on? our children. Or in the case of Waldorf on the students.
I've written presentations and papers on meditation but I do not practice meditation on a daily basis. I do, do a form of reflection about my day... I guess. It never started purposefully but I've always had a habit of reviewing my day in my mind before I go to sleep at night. But I mostly focus on the negatives and how I could have handled it better, what I can do differently next time that sort of thing. While I think it is important to improve, it may help me to focus on some of the good things that happened during the day. Some of the ordinary life magic that happened (This also happens to be the name of one of my favorite unschooling blog).
Maybe meditation would bring me peace about my day. But how to start? I'm one of those people who gets supremely irritated at those supposedly 'relaxing' voices on the tapes. The nature sounds drive me a little batty. But if I try to meditate in complete silence I always get off track and start dwelling and thinking instead of actually meditating. Hey! (Yep just had a lightbulb moment) Enya! I love Enya, I find it very relaxing ever since my midwife played it during my acupuncture sessions. I could use Enya to meditate to at the end of the day. Although I'm not sure I'm ready to make any kind of commitment to daily meditation. But I am willing to try it for 3 nights and see how it goes. So that's my goal 3 nights of meditation to see where it takes me.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Just wanted to link to the giveaway to get myself another entry and maybe some followers? Sew Mama Sew has a list of blogs doing giveaways and a bit of this a bit of that has some kits that I would love to win.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Day 12: 20 Day Commitment to Becoming a More Mindful Mother
Today's topic is warmth....
So it's been almost a month since I've blogged about this journey. It seems I got stuck at the halfway point. With the holidays approaching I've felt called to return to this. Also a couple of really horrible days...
So on to the topic of the day. Warmth in Waldorf education from what I've read refers to both physical and emotional warmth. In Waldorf, physical warmth is seen as very important since this Sense is not believed to be fully developed until age 9. So as parents we must protect it until then. There must be some truth to this since as mothers we spend a lot of time and energy chasing our children and putting on hats and mitts, or in my house underpants, on our kids. They just don't seem to feel the cold. Yet heat is energy and if children have to expend energy to further heat their bodies because they are not wearing warm clothes, or any clothes as is often the case with my son, then they are using up precious growth energy. I try to be conscious of the need for my kids to be wearing warm clothing especially since our house is fairly chilly but inevitable all the clothes seem to be off at some point or another. Or all day in M's case. That boy does not like the restriction clothing puts on him. He often strips completely naked to go swimming in his 'pool'. Which is a pile of blankets between the spare bed and chair. I haven't quite figured out how to keep him physically warm when he refuses to keep clothing on but maybe if I keep him emotionally warm he'll have extra energy to expend on this? I've never been a big believer in hats at all times for babes but I've read quite a bit lately about how they can calm an infant. Maybe I'll try this with D, can't hurt.
I try to foster emotional warmth in my home by keeping a sense of humour and picking my battles. Not every little thing needs to be addressed every day. I am making a conscious effort to tell my kids I love them every day and to express my love by hugging and kissing and laughing with them. I grew up in a hands off family. We didn't hug or kiss or touch very often. We aren't close now and I have no idea if this is the reason but it's one thing I can change. I also try to convey a sense of warmth through my relationship with my husband. I believe it is important for my children to see H and I kiss and hug and laugh together. At this point all M wants to do is get in the middle so he can have some of the love.
Parenting Passageway's challenge is to spend 3 days increasing the amount of times you hug, hold, laugh, give positive encouragement, say I love you, smile at your kids and partner. We are supposed to watch for a difference in the feeling and peacefulness of our home. So Friday through Sunday I am going to take this challenge. I am going to do these things at every opportunity I get. I'm going to raise the temperature in my home and family.
So it's been almost a month since I've blogged about this journey. It seems I got stuck at the halfway point. With the holidays approaching I've felt called to return to this. Also a couple of really horrible days...
So on to the topic of the day. Warmth in Waldorf education from what I've read refers to both physical and emotional warmth. In Waldorf, physical warmth is seen as very important since this Sense is not believed to be fully developed until age 9. So as parents we must protect it until then. There must be some truth to this since as mothers we spend a lot of time and energy chasing our children and putting on hats and mitts, or in my house underpants, on our kids. They just don't seem to feel the cold. Yet heat is energy and if children have to expend energy to further heat their bodies because they are not wearing warm clothes, or any clothes as is often the case with my son, then they are using up precious growth energy. I try to be conscious of the need for my kids to be wearing warm clothing especially since our house is fairly chilly but inevitable all the clothes seem to be off at some point or another. Or all day in M's case. That boy does not like the restriction clothing puts on him. He often strips completely naked to go swimming in his 'pool'. Which is a pile of blankets between the spare bed and chair. I haven't quite figured out how to keep him physically warm when he refuses to keep clothing on but maybe if I keep him emotionally warm he'll have extra energy to expend on this? I've never been a big believer in hats at all times for babes but I've read quite a bit lately about how they can calm an infant. Maybe I'll try this with D, can't hurt.
I try to foster emotional warmth in my home by keeping a sense of humour and picking my battles. Not every little thing needs to be addressed every day. I am making a conscious effort to tell my kids I love them every day and to express my love by hugging and kissing and laughing with them. I grew up in a hands off family. We didn't hug or kiss or touch very often. We aren't close now and I have no idea if this is the reason but it's one thing I can change. I also try to convey a sense of warmth through my relationship with my husband. I believe it is important for my children to see H and I kiss and hug and laugh together. At this point all M wants to do is get in the middle so he can have some of the love.
Parenting Passageway's challenge is to spend 3 days increasing the amount of times you hug, hold, laugh, give positive encouragement, say I love you, smile at your kids and partner. We are supposed to watch for a difference in the feeling and peacefulness of our home. So Friday through Sunday I am going to take this challenge. I am going to do these things at every opportunity I get. I'm going to raise the temperature in my home and family.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Breastfeeding: The Internal Struggle
I believe in child-led weaning and nursing until at least the age of 2. However, when M self-weaned at 17 months old I did not put up a fuss or encourage him to continue. Why was this? I really do not know other than I was young and working full-time. I knew there would be other babies and more nursing. Also M was never a comfort nurser. He was an efficient drain the boob, get off and get busy with other things kind of babe. He didn't nurse lazily and stare into my eyes and make it an intense bonding experience for us. Nope he wanted his milk and he wanted it fast in a no-nonsense kind of way. Maybe that's why that nursing relationship was so easy for me to let go. I am hypothesizing that my current relationship with D my daughter will be much different. She was a natural nurser from the start we got started within the hour of her birth and we have not looked back.
I had many obstacles to overcome with M, NICU, poor latch, mastitis, oversupply. My mother in law and midwife gave me 2 pieces of advice that kept me going during this difficult time. My mother in law said "just give it 6 weeks that's what it takes". It was true that we had most of the kinks worked out by then. My midwife said "his mouth will grow and your breast will not". So true and so obvious but I needed to hear it. During my RN education we were taught that with a proper latch breastfeeding SHOULD NOT HURT. Well.... it. hurt. with M, and with D. I have learned newborns are voracious little creatures that will get what they want even if they have to suck your nipple right off. This is not a comfortable experience no matter what anyone tells you or at least it was not for me. Mastitis is the MFer of all flu's. It's like having a raging flu and hten having someone insert razor blades into your breasts and nipples. Add on top of that a newborn baby and postpartum hormones. You are in for one hell of a ride. I got through it with quark cheese and a professional grade pump. After the first 6 weeks things became more comfortable and more relaxed. I found my nursing groove. There were still bumps in the road but they were surmountable.
My internal struggle would be my fantasy of being the ideal attachment parenting mama who never needs to leave her baby. However I NEED to get out, get away. This need often makes me feel guilty when I satisfy it especially since D hates the bottle. If I satisfy my need I am neglecting hers. When I try to get a few hours uninterrupted sleep and H has to use the paci to satisfy D instead of what she truly wants (the breast) I am satisfying my need at the expense of hers. It's a delicate balancing act, trying to keep my needs met and hers as well. It feels like they are often in direct conflict. While it may seem great to be so needed by another sometimes I feel so trapped. Other times I feel warm and fuzzy when she is latched and trying to fish hook her toes into my nose. So you see it's a struggle at times but not one I would willingly give up.
I had many obstacles to overcome with M, NICU, poor latch, mastitis, oversupply. My mother in law and midwife gave me 2 pieces of advice that kept me going during this difficult time. My mother in law said "just give it 6 weeks that's what it takes". It was true that we had most of the kinks worked out by then. My midwife said "his mouth will grow and your breast will not". So true and so obvious but I needed to hear it. During my RN education we were taught that with a proper latch breastfeeding SHOULD NOT HURT. Well.... it. hurt. with M, and with D. I have learned newborns are voracious little creatures that will get what they want even if they have to suck your nipple right off. This is not a comfortable experience no matter what anyone tells you or at least it was not for me. Mastitis is the MFer of all flu's. It's like having a raging flu and hten having someone insert razor blades into your breasts and nipples. Add on top of that a newborn baby and postpartum hormones. You are in for one hell of a ride. I got through it with quark cheese and a professional grade pump. After the first 6 weeks things became more comfortable and more relaxed. I found my nursing groove. There were still bumps in the road but they were surmountable.
My internal struggle would be my fantasy of being the ideal attachment parenting mama who never needs to leave her baby. However I NEED to get out, get away. This need often makes me feel guilty when I satisfy it especially since D hates the bottle. If I satisfy my need I am neglecting hers. When I try to get a few hours uninterrupted sleep and H has to use the paci to satisfy D instead of what she truly wants (the breast) I am satisfying my need at the expense of hers. It's a delicate balancing act, trying to keep my needs met and hers as well. It feels like they are often in direct conflict. While it may seem great to be so needed by another sometimes I feel so trapped. Other times I feel warm and fuzzy when she is latched and trying to fish hook her toes into my nose. So you see it's a struggle at times but not one I would willingly give up.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Day 11: 20 Day Commitment to Becoming a More Mindful Mother
I've been stuck on this topic for a couple days since life has been a little overwhelming. Not a lot of computer time.
Today's topic: Making my home work for me...
The first thing that comes to mind is comfortability. I want the people I love whether they live with me or not to feel comfortable in my home. I guess this boils down to a sense of warmth, welcoming and belonging. Being a homemaker actually brings me great joy that I never thought it would. I always thought the career world would bring that fulfillment and joy but I am never truly happier than when I am spending quality time in my home with my loved ones. I love to make good food and share it, I like create handmade items for people, I like to have tea and snacks for those visitors that drop by for a chat. The motivation to do these things usually sparks when I feel cared for.
This means I have to work on maintaining me so that I can maintain my house. I have been working on this. I am making progress and progress is good. I am getting out more and spending more time on me. Still some things to be added in but I wasn't built in a day and I won't get to where I want to be in a day either.
A major part of what makes a home work or not is whether or not the physical space works. H and I have been discussing this for a while. Our home feels cluttered. Our yard feels cluttered. We are currently working on the outdoors. When snow flys we will be focusing our attentions indoors on a major decluttering process. H wants us each to pair down to 100 items. There is a current blog challenge on this not sure which one I will have to ask. For the most part I am a purger not a saver but lately I have been saving a lot. I love a deal and usually cannot resist getting something I know we COULD use if it is on sale. I think I will have to go on a no buying spree for anything non-essential for us to get our STUFF pared down. I will also be referring to flylady's site when embarking on this journey. Our STUFF is getting out of control and with the basement reno's we do not have much storage space. It is true that the less stuff you have the less time it takes you to clean.
Maternity leave has left me in my house more than I ever am when I am working full time. This means that the cleanliness of the house has a compounded effect on my mood. I can breathe easier, relax faster, work more efficiently in a tidy house.
Food is one part of the home and what works that I feel I am actually excelling. Both H and I love food and the process of creating and sharing good food. As an effort to save money I started baking our breads. Now if I can make something myself I will not buy it in the store. I will buy the ingredients myself. This makes me feel GREAT! It also controls the amount of allergens M eats since soy is in almost every packaged product you buy including chocolate chips. Anyways that's a different post entirely.
The feeling in my home is hopefully warm and inviting. We laugh and giggle and play a lot in our home. Usually someone is quick to point out if another is grumpy and we all try to make it better. I would love to make it more inviting with more comfortable places to sit especially in the kitchen as this is where the heart of my home is and also where people tend to gather. I have a beautifully refinished kitchen table now I just need chairs to match. I would like to feel more peaceful at home. I would also like for the center or heart of the home to not have a tv but unfortunately in this house their really is only one place for it. I feel like the tv sucks away good conversation during get togethers and also sometimes in the evenings with H and I. Giving it up though is not a step I am currently ready to take though. I also want to change the colours of the walls. They are nice but they are not MY colours since they were chosen by the previous owner. That will have to wait until after maternity leave though when our belts are not strapped so tight.
Well since this post has spanned quite a few days it is a little disjointed and it appears I have lost my train of thought. What makes your home work for you?
Today's topic: Making my home work for me...
The first thing that comes to mind is comfortability. I want the people I love whether they live with me or not to feel comfortable in my home. I guess this boils down to a sense of warmth, welcoming and belonging. Being a homemaker actually brings me great joy that I never thought it would. I always thought the career world would bring that fulfillment and joy but I am never truly happier than when I am spending quality time in my home with my loved ones. I love to make good food and share it, I like create handmade items for people, I like to have tea and snacks for those visitors that drop by for a chat. The motivation to do these things usually sparks when I feel cared for.
This means I have to work on maintaining me so that I can maintain my house. I have been working on this. I am making progress and progress is good. I am getting out more and spending more time on me. Still some things to be added in but I wasn't built in a day and I won't get to where I want to be in a day either.
A major part of what makes a home work or not is whether or not the physical space works. H and I have been discussing this for a while. Our home feels cluttered. Our yard feels cluttered. We are currently working on the outdoors. When snow flys we will be focusing our attentions indoors on a major decluttering process. H wants us each to pair down to 100 items. There is a current blog challenge on this not sure which one I will have to ask. For the most part I am a purger not a saver but lately I have been saving a lot. I love a deal and usually cannot resist getting something I know we COULD use if it is on sale. I think I will have to go on a no buying spree for anything non-essential for us to get our STUFF pared down. I will also be referring to flylady's site when embarking on this journey. Our STUFF is getting out of control and with the basement reno's we do not have much storage space. It is true that the less stuff you have the less time it takes you to clean.
Maternity leave has left me in my house more than I ever am when I am working full time. This means that the cleanliness of the house has a compounded effect on my mood. I can breathe easier, relax faster, work more efficiently in a tidy house.
Food is one part of the home and what works that I feel I am actually excelling. Both H and I love food and the process of creating and sharing good food. As an effort to save money I started baking our breads. Now if I can make something myself I will not buy it in the store. I will buy the ingredients myself. This makes me feel GREAT! It also controls the amount of allergens M eats since soy is in almost every packaged product you buy including chocolate chips. Anyways that's a different post entirely.
The feeling in my home is hopefully warm and inviting. We laugh and giggle and play a lot in our home. Usually someone is quick to point out if another is grumpy and we all try to make it better. I would love to make it more inviting with more comfortable places to sit especially in the kitchen as this is where the heart of my home is and also where people tend to gather. I have a beautifully refinished kitchen table now I just need chairs to match. I would like to feel more peaceful at home. I would also like for the center or heart of the home to not have a tv but unfortunately in this house their really is only one place for it. I feel like the tv sucks away good conversation during get togethers and also sometimes in the evenings with H and I. Giving it up though is not a step I am currently ready to take though. I also want to change the colours of the walls. They are nice but they are not MY colours since they were chosen by the previous owner. That will have to wait until after maternity leave though when our belts are not strapped so tight.
Well since this post has spanned quite a few days it is a little disjointed and it appears I have lost my train of thought. What makes your home work for you?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Day 8: 20 Day Commitment to Becoming a More Mindful Mother
So it appears that I missed Day 8. It's about Nature! So I guess my posts will have to be renumbered lol.
I have a very firm belief that seems to fit with Waldorf and Steiner. I believe we need time outside every day. We all need to connect with nature. It resets the equilibrium and clears the head. Nature chases the grumpies away or at least it does for me. Our society spends most of it's day 'plugged in' to the TV, the net, the radio. There is usually some sort of media playing in the background if not in the forefront. I believe we all need to unplug daily and get out into nature. There really is no substitute. The imaginary games and activities M comes up with outside are fabulous. I have got to take the time to record some of them on paper so we can look back at what he used to play and how he is progressing
We bought this house mostly for the yard. Right now with the reno's on the basement the yard is being somewhat neglected. This means it is less enjoyable to spend time in. With our porch gone and temporary stairs up it is also more difficult to get in and out easily. During the spring and summer M and I were out there every day. In this town we have at least 6 months of winter and cold. Which means we need to suck up the sunshine and warmer weather while it's here. Hopefully this weekend we can put the yard into some semblance of order and get out there and enjoy it. However even with the yard in the state it is in we are fortunate enough to have a gorgeous park and wonderful playground right next door. So there is really no excuse for not getting out into nature. Yet we will go days where we go from the car to the house and do not stop to enjoy the great outdoors. When we were outside every day M slept better, ate better, behaved better. He has always been a little nature bug. He used to sit in and dig in the flower pots for hours last fall. Time to get the shovels out and start digging before the ground is frozen.
Maybe the reason we do not go outside as much as I would like is that I always feel like I should be doing something inside. Cooking, cleaning, organizing all of this is indoor work. These activities seem to have a louder call for me. I have a hard time just hanging out at the park or dawdling down the path for a walk. It seems I need some sort of stimulation. Maybe outside time would assist me in my goal of reconnecting with M? When we are outside I am more 'present' with my kids. There are less distractions and I am not doing something else at the same time as interacting with them. But a focus outside for me would probably also help. There are many tasks to be done out there. Parenting passageway says there is no bad weather only bad clothes. I am not quite sure she has been out in 40 below weather! Nonetheless it is not 40 below right now. She also makes suggestions for bringing the outdoors in which I am going to implement this winter. I start my seeds in March but I'm sure there are things we can do in December and January. M would have a blast planting an indoor herb garden. He loves to pick fresh herbs and add them to his various concoctions.
I will come back and finish this post later as I cannot connect to the parenting passageway website and there is a post I want to read on connecting kids to nature. The site was down all day. Which puts me yet another day behind in this series. Today is activity and errand filled but perhaps we could hop on over to the soccer field after gymnastics with our soccer ball. Must pack warm clothes it's a tad bit chilly and the soccer ball of course.
Today's goal: Get outside!
This weeks outdoor goals/plans:
Start vermicomposting
leaf cleanup
recycling cleanup
M's playhouse cleanup
pick up sled from Granny
Move dirt pile
turn compost
cut down perrenials
dog poo (ICK!) love my fluffy friends do not love picking up their business.
Phew! there is lots to do outside if anyone has any tips on where to put/how to occupy D I'd love to hear them. Most of this work is rather difficult while babywearing.
Monday, November 2, 2009
November Goals
10 Goals for November:
1. Get 5 items for sale up on facebook
2. Take all unworn and unwanted items out of my dresser
3. Make a list of xmas gifts that can be made and get half done.
4. Make a study plan for my nephrology certification exam
5. Start a tickle trunk
6. Clean out chest in living room of birth supplies and drop off at midwives for someone else to use. RETURN TENS MACHINE!
7. Have basement assessed by an engineer and start on repairs
8. Cook supper at least 4x per week
9. Organize art supplies and crafting stuff into one space.
10. Get into an exercise routine
1. Get 5 items for sale up on facebook
2. Take all unworn and unwanted items out of my dresser
3. Make a list of xmas gifts that can be made and get half done.
4. Make a study plan for my nephrology certification exam
5. Start a tickle trunk
6. Clean out chest in living room of birth supplies and drop off at midwives for someone else to use. RETURN TENS MACHINE!
7. Have basement assessed by an engineer and start on repairs
8. Cook supper at least 4x per week
9. Organize art supplies and crafting stuff into one space.
10. Get into an exercise routine
Day 10: 20 Day Commitment to Becoming a More Mindful Mother
Sooooo I have been MIA for a few days. The weekend was busy with Halloween and the furnace issue is still not resolved so lots of contractors in and out of the house. My poor house looks like a tornado whirled through it. Ah well, all will get put right again.
Day 10 is on realistic expectations. I have been reflecting on realistic expectations all weekend. I had read the post in advance. On Thursday night H and I had a date night and I brought up the topic of our expectations of M. H said he had been contemplating this as well. Great! We are already on the same wavelength. We both agreed that we have some unrealistic expectations of both M and D. With D it's mostly sleep related which is referred to in an earlier post. So we are working on correcting our expectations of that.
M is a very articulate and coordinated child for his age. He also has more concentration and bladder control than the average 3.5yr old. Since I do not know many kids his age I have been trying to observe those I see in his preschool and gymnastics and this is what I have been noticing. I think because of these capabilities we often place higher expectations on him than his age dictates. He acts and talks big much of the time but he is still very little.
He is in a very turbulent emotional state these days and little things can set him off. We need to work at avoiding the angry states which seem to be getting more frequent. I need to find some calming influences for him. Books are good and so is music. Anyone have any other suggestions? I am working on being more physically affectionate during these times. Often with the baby I feel touched out but he needs this connection on a daily basis and I am working on making this happen.
He is also very bossy and whiny. I am struggling with this because when I ask him to use a nicer voice he says "but this is my girllllll voice!" I really dislike his girrrllll voice! If his bossing does not work he has an all out meltdown. I am going to try instituting more 'I like' statements and giving information statements. For example 'I like when you say please can I have a drink' because his current method of asking for a drink is "I'M THIRSTY! I'MMMMMMMMMMMM THIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSTYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" If his statement is ignored the noise level escalates.
We also ask that he get dressed for school and often get frustrated and give ultimatums when hes not fully dressed 15-30min after the request. I know that we ask because we've seen that he can get dressed in 2min flat when there is inspiration. But there will not be daily inspiration. Parenting passageway suggests less requests, less words, less choices and more action with the 3yr old. So this is what I am working on. I will bring an outfit downstairs and help him into it without asking if he wants to. If he rebels and wants to choose his own then I will lead him upstairs and physically help him put on what he chooses.
I realize he is not going to cooperate and will resist the rhythm of the day. How do I find the strength to let it roll off? I want to enjoy my days regardless. I guess this is part of my inner work.
I am doing a lot of observing and critical thinking in regards to M so more changes to my parenting practices and our day will probably follow. This is key for me to head off some of the meltdowns (my own and M's). What are our triggers?
My realization: It's easy to stay in tune with a nursing baby and even a nursing toddler. I think those physical check-ins allow me to take the moment to really observe my child and see what they are feeling or needing. Now that M is so much more independent and not nursing the distance between us has widened. I am not as tuned in to him. My goal is to get us a little closer. Pretty soon he is going to be too big to want to snuggle with Mama. I do not want to miss this golden opportunity.
Day 10 is on realistic expectations. I have been reflecting on realistic expectations all weekend. I had read the post in advance. On Thursday night H and I had a date night and I brought up the topic of our expectations of M. H said he had been contemplating this as well. Great! We are already on the same wavelength. We both agreed that we have some unrealistic expectations of both M and D. With D it's mostly sleep related which is referred to in an earlier post. So we are working on correcting our expectations of that.
M is a very articulate and coordinated child for his age. He also has more concentration and bladder control than the average 3.5yr old. Since I do not know many kids his age I have been trying to observe those I see in his preschool and gymnastics and this is what I have been noticing. I think because of these capabilities we often place higher expectations on him than his age dictates. He acts and talks big much of the time but he is still very little.
He is in a very turbulent emotional state these days and little things can set him off. We need to work at avoiding the angry states which seem to be getting more frequent. I need to find some calming influences for him. Books are good and so is music. Anyone have any other suggestions? I am working on being more physically affectionate during these times. Often with the baby I feel touched out but he needs this connection on a daily basis and I am working on making this happen.
He is also very bossy and whiny. I am struggling with this because when I ask him to use a nicer voice he says "but this is my girllllll voice!" I really dislike his girrrllll voice! If his bossing does not work he has an all out meltdown. I am going to try instituting more 'I like' statements and giving information statements. For example 'I like when you say please can I have a drink' because his current method of asking for a drink is "I'M THIRSTY! I'MMMMMMMMMMMM THIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSTYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" If his statement is ignored the noise level escalates.
We also ask that he get dressed for school and often get frustrated and give ultimatums when hes not fully dressed 15-30min after the request. I know that we ask because we've seen that he can get dressed in 2min flat when there is inspiration. But there will not be daily inspiration. Parenting passageway suggests less requests, less words, less choices and more action with the 3yr old. So this is what I am working on. I will bring an outfit downstairs and help him into it without asking if he wants to. If he rebels and wants to choose his own then I will lead him upstairs and physically help him put on what he chooses.
I realize he is not going to cooperate and will resist the rhythm of the day. How do I find the strength to let it roll off? I want to enjoy my days regardless. I guess this is part of my inner work.
I am doing a lot of observing and critical thinking in regards to M so more changes to my parenting practices and our day will probably follow. This is key for me to head off some of the meltdowns (my own and M's). What are our triggers?
My realization: It's easy to stay in tune with a nursing baby and even a nursing toddler. I think those physical check-ins allow me to take the moment to really observe my child and see what they are feeling or needing. Now that M is so much more independent and not nursing the distance between us has widened. I am not as tuned in to him. My goal is to get us a little closer. Pretty soon he is going to be too big to want to snuggle with Mama. I do not want to miss this golden opportunity.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Setting limits Calmly: Day 9 in 20 Days to Becoming a More Mindful Mother
This topic is my life right now. I am learning that 3yr olds are boundary pushers. M pushes to the MAX! I have been losing my temper over his 'disobedience' lately. I'm currently reevaluating my perspective on the matter. As Parenting Passageway notes he is currently just like a giant eyeball and is absorbing and learning and definitely not filtering any of the information that comes his way.
All of his transgressions have a learning aspect to them. Really it's the mess that bothers me and that's an issue that's mine and he should not feel the backlash from it.
That being said he does need to learn that we do not paint the filing cabinet green and yellow while mama's making supper. We do not put mascara on our lips and teeth while mama is on the phone. We do not pour all the toothpaste, aftershave and moisturizer into a container and stir it up into a fabulously pretty, sticky gloppy mess with mama's favorite tweezers while mama is putting D down for her nap. I really do marvel at how quick he is in his creations. Now, how to get my point across without losing my temper and raising my voice? The most important realization for me is that he is not doing this to defy me. He is doing it because he lives in the moment and at that moment his wild imagination thought up this extremely fun, extremely messy thing for his little hands to do. He cannot comprehend consequences and he really has no scruples or morals yet. He will imitate what he sees so if what he sees is me angry and lashing out at him that's what he's going to do. Time to add some more tools to my parenting toolbox.
I thought I was home-free when we made it through the "terrible twos" with this sweet well-behaved child. However I have now realized that three is the age of destruction. 3 yr olds have this huge capacity for learning, imitating and manipulating objects. Seriously, if you showed a 3yr old how to start a car he could do it! A 2yr old would not be able to. These newfound capabilities are what is causing the destruction in my house. It's time to channel this energy, enthusiasm and creativity. Projects and nature time that's my plan. It fits in with the rhythm of the day.
There are key times when he is destructive. At these times he is tired or bored. 2-3pm is now going to be rest time. 3-5pm will hopefully be outside time. There's snow on the ground today and M has no snow boots so that is the first order of business.
Realistic expectations are something I struggle with. I often think "he should be able to ..." That's when we start having the battle of wills. Just because he can one day does not mean he can or will the next day. He needs gentle physical reminders and help from me if the first request is met with a "NO!"
From Parenting Passageway
All of his transgressions have a learning aspect to them. Really it's the mess that bothers me and that's an issue that's mine and he should not feel the backlash from it.
That being said he does need to learn that we do not paint the filing cabinet green and yellow while mama's making supper. We do not put mascara on our lips and teeth while mama is on the phone. We do not pour all the toothpaste, aftershave and moisturizer into a container and stir it up into a fabulously pretty, sticky gloppy mess with mama's favorite tweezers while mama is putting D down for her nap. I really do marvel at how quick he is in his creations. Now, how to get my point across without losing my temper and raising my voice? The most important realization for me is that he is not doing this to defy me. He is doing it because he lives in the moment and at that moment his wild imagination thought up this extremely fun, extremely messy thing for his little hands to do. He cannot comprehend consequences and he really has no scruples or morals yet. He will imitate what he sees so if what he sees is me angry and lashing out at him that's what he's going to do. Time to add some more tools to my parenting toolbox.
I thought I was home-free when we made it through the "terrible twos" with this sweet well-behaved child. However I have now realized that three is the age of destruction. 3 yr olds have this huge capacity for learning, imitating and manipulating objects. Seriously, if you showed a 3yr old how to start a car he could do it! A 2yr old would not be able to. These newfound capabilities are what is causing the destruction in my house. It's time to channel this energy, enthusiasm and creativity. Projects and nature time that's my plan. It fits in with the rhythm of the day.
There are key times when he is destructive. At these times he is tired or bored. 2-3pm is now going to be rest time. 3-5pm will hopefully be outside time. There's snow on the ground today and M has no snow boots so that is the first order of business.
Realistic expectations are something I struggle with. I often think "he should be able to ..." That's when we start having the battle of wills. Just because he can one day does not mean he can or will the next day. He needs gentle physical reminders and help from me if the first request is met with a "NO!"
From Parenting Passageway
Typical developmental things about the three and a half -year-olds include (this is according to the Gesell Institute, not necessarily my personal opinion!):
- Turbulent, troubled period of disequilibrium, the simplest event or occasion can elicit total rebellion; strong and secure gross motor abilities may turn more into stumbling, falling, at this age; new- found verbal ability such as “I’ll cut you in pieces!” and lots of whining
- May refuse to do things a lot, or howl and scream, or say a lot of “I can’t” I won’t” kinds of things
- Three and a half to four may be the height for the most “WHY?” “WHERE?” “WHAT?” kinds of questions
- Demanding, bossy, turbulent, troubled but mainly due to emotional insecurity
- May refuse to take part in daily routine
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Rhythm: Day 7 of 20 Days to Becoming a More Mindful Mother
Today's topic is rhythm. This means the flow of the day. Parenting Passageway has a distinctly Waldorf view of the world. So this post did not really resonate with me at first. However thinking about for a little longer I realized that there is a flow to our day and if it gets disrupted we all feel out of sorts. The Waldorf perspective is that children under 7 do not need activities outside of the home. Maybe if I lived out of town or off the grid this would feel true. I think preschool and gymnastics are great activities to look forward to. I think they help with his listening, social and motor skills. Yes he could probably get this at home but he is having fun and it gives me a much needed break.
There are also some things I would like to add to our day but am unsure how to accomplish this. We need to get outside more but currently our yard and porch are in disarray. We need to get the dogs walked but D hates the stroller and my back is bothering me so long walks with her in the carrier are out as well. We also need a rest time in the afternoon. I am just unsure of how to get M to settle down and sit still without the use of the TV. The afternoon would be an ideal time for a walk although this is usually when I get supper started. Maybe I can plan ahead for the weeks meals and get some extra prep and cooking done on the weekend? Maybe D would tolerate the wagon with her brother?
The dog keeps disrupting D's morning nap. it often throws of our whole day. This I can fix Now! I am moving the dog's bed out of our room and into the living room. I do not know why I did not think of this before. She makes me livid when she wakes the baby but that's her room too at the moment. So I have to work on making it a space that's not hers and she has to be invited into.
How to fit everything in? I have to let some things go.
I have been trying to get grocery shopping done without the kids so they are not dragged around on a bunch of errands wasting their whole day. I also think that minimizing our possessions and reorganizing the house would decrease the amount of time I have to spend tidying, cleaning and picking up. This is something H and I are going to work on together. How much stuff do we really need? Is it hampering the flow of our day or our space? If so time to let it go.
Getting up earlier would help me get everything done. I just need to find some of that inner discipline. I have been wanting to fit a workout into my day and there's no where to put it. D does not like strangers is still quite young for childminding. Early morning would work if I can only just get out of bed. Maybe I should make that my goal next week? Or maybe I should start tommorow?
I also feel I need to sit down and play with M more. I try to avoid entertaining him because he can get so demanding and once I give him my full attention he does not want to let it go. But if I create a time in the day when D is napping that is totally focused on him and ends when she wakes up then he will likely know that the time is over when she wakes and go back to amusing himself. He needs a better rhythm to his day now that the weather is turning and we will have less time outside. He gets antsy and now I am realizing why. When we were gardening daily he was much happier and lighter.
I also have made a point this week of not describing myself as busy. Being busy has negative conotations and generally makes me feel like I cannot relax and enjoy life because I should always be doing something. I really think this is helping.
Hmmm this has given me much food for thought...
There are also some things I would like to add to our day but am unsure how to accomplish this. We need to get outside more but currently our yard and porch are in disarray. We need to get the dogs walked but D hates the stroller and my back is bothering me so long walks with her in the carrier are out as well. We also need a rest time in the afternoon. I am just unsure of how to get M to settle down and sit still without the use of the TV. The afternoon would be an ideal time for a walk although this is usually when I get supper started. Maybe I can plan ahead for the weeks meals and get some extra prep and cooking done on the weekend? Maybe D would tolerate the wagon with her brother?
The dog keeps disrupting D's morning nap. it often throws of our whole day. This I can fix Now! I am moving the dog's bed out of our room and into the living room. I do not know why I did not think of this before. She makes me livid when she wakes the baby but that's her room too at the moment. So I have to work on making it a space that's not hers and she has to be invited into.
How to fit everything in? I have to let some things go.
I have been trying to get grocery shopping done without the kids so they are not dragged around on a bunch of errands wasting their whole day. I also think that minimizing our possessions and reorganizing the house would decrease the amount of time I have to spend tidying, cleaning and picking up. This is something H and I are going to work on together. How much stuff do we really need? Is it hampering the flow of our day or our space? If so time to let it go.
Getting up earlier would help me get everything done. I just need to find some of that inner discipline. I have been wanting to fit a workout into my day and there's no where to put it. D does not like strangers is still quite young for childminding. Early morning would work if I can only just get out of bed. Maybe I should make that my goal next week? Or maybe I should start tommorow?
I also feel I need to sit down and play with M more. I try to avoid entertaining him because he can get so demanding and once I give him my full attention he does not want to let it go. But if I create a time in the day when D is napping that is totally focused on him and ends when she wakes up then he will likely know that the time is over when she wakes and go back to amusing himself. He needs a better rhythm to his day now that the weather is turning and we will have less time outside. He gets antsy and now I am realizing why. When we were gardening daily he was much happier and lighter.
I also have made a point this week of not describing myself as busy. Being busy has negative conotations and generally makes me feel like I cannot relax and enjoy life because I should always be doing something. I really think this is helping.
Hmmm this has given me much food for thought...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Day 6: 20 Day Commitment to Becoming a More Mindful Mother
Getting to my post a little late today as we woke up with no heat this morning and most of the day has been dedicated to figuring out our furnace issue.
Sooooo today's topic is sleep. Both my kiddos are napping at this time. Is this normal for our day? No Way! My son does not nap. He stopped napping way before the birth of my daughter. He is tired but he will not sleep. My daughter naps twice a day usually once for a long period in the morning and one shorter nap in the afternoon. She goes to bed at 7pm and wakes probably on average 6x a night until 6am when she is up for the day. My son goes to bed at the same time and wakes up and will not go back to sleep in his own bed by himself.
Are we all getting enough rest? No I do not believe so. If it was only one child waking it would be fine but with both kids waking we cannot even trade off to ensure the other gets rest. You never know how important sleep is until it is disrupted on a nightly basis.
Sleep is crucial to my sanity. It's crucial to my kid's behaviours and rhythms. How to find the optimal sleeping solution for our family?
I've actually had sleep in my mind almost every day for a couple months now. I am currently researching food allergies and may be putting my son on an elimination diet after Halloween. I suspect food allergies may be the culprit of his nightwaking and current state of nastiness. With my daughter I believe it may just be a matter of perseverance, eating more solids and crawling and walking, breaks between teething etc. Not nursing her at night is not an option. Baby's under 1yr acquire 25% of their daily calories at night and early nightweaning may cause breastfeeding problems later. That being said I would kill for a 4hr stretch at night. The actual definition of sleeping through the night is a 5 hr stretch. This would be ideal at this point since she's waking every 2hrs. I may try homeopathy with my son if the elimination diet does not work.
We are a cosleeping family who do not believe Cry It Out (CIO) is ever an appropriate solution. There is a huge amount of research out there that shows that CIO is detrimental to the health and emotional wellbeing of a baby/child. It's also been shown that baby's left to CIO do not wake less often they just do not cry out when they wake (because they have been shown no one will come) and will often develop sleep issues later when they can physically get out of bed on their own.
Parenting is not a 12hr a day job. It's 24/7 and my children deserve me to gentle and compassionate with them in the middle of the night as well as the middle of the day. It is not their fault they do not know how to get back to sleep on their own. Sometimes sleep deprivation can make this nearly impossible. I have been heard to sternly tell my daughter to "STOP TOUCHING ME", When her little hands have reached out to pinch and fiddle at 2am. That being said, I am certain that I would be getting less sleep if I had to get up to go to her in a different room. She would be fully awake and so would I. With her in a crib sidecarred to my bed she has her own space and when she wakes I can either nurse her or resettle her without even sitting up most of the time.
I could go on all day about sleep. But some things I do believe work and are gentle:
1. Early bedtime
2. Routine
3. Naps
4. laying a child down awake but drowsy how they fall asleep is how they want to stay asleep.
5. Not nursing completely to sleep just until the sucking slows.
6. Swaddling first and then grobag when they get to big for swaddling
Sooooo today's topic is sleep. Both my kiddos are napping at this time. Is this normal for our day? No Way! My son does not nap. He stopped napping way before the birth of my daughter. He is tired but he will not sleep. My daughter naps twice a day usually once for a long period in the morning and one shorter nap in the afternoon. She goes to bed at 7pm and wakes probably on average 6x a night until 6am when she is up for the day. My son goes to bed at the same time and wakes up and will not go back to sleep in his own bed by himself.
Are we all getting enough rest? No I do not believe so. If it was only one child waking it would be fine but with both kids waking we cannot even trade off to ensure the other gets rest. You never know how important sleep is until it is disrupted on a nightly basis.
Sleep is crucial to my sanity. It's crucial to my kid's behaviours and rhythms. How to find the optimal sleeping solution for our family?
I've actually had sleep in my mind almost every day for a couple months now. I am currently researching food allergies and may be putting my son on an elimination diet after Halloween. I suspect food allergies may be the culprit of his nightwaking and current state of nastiness. With my daughter I believe it may just be a matter of perseverance, eating more solids and crawling and walking, breaks between teething etc. Not nursing her at night is not an option. Baby's under 1yr acquire 25% of their daily calories at night and early nightweaning may cause breastfeeding problems later. That being said I would kill for a 4hr stretch at night. The actual definition of sleeping through the night is a 5 hr stretch. This would be ideal at this point since she's waking every 2hrs. I may try homeopathy with my son if the elimination diet does not work.
We are a cosleeping family who do not believe Cry It Out (CIO) is ever an appropriate solution. There is a huge amount of research out there that shows that CIO is detrimental to the health and emotional wellbeing of a baby/child. It's also been shown that baby's left to CIO do not wake less often they just do not cry out when they wake (because they have been shown no one will come) and will often develop sleep issues later when they can physically get out of bed on their own.
Parenting is not a 12hr a day job. It's 24/7 and my children deserve me to gentle and compassionate with them in the middle of the night as well as the middle of the day. It is not their fault they do not know how to get back to sleep on their own. Sometimes sleep deprivation can make this nearly impossible. I have been heard to sternly tell my daughter to "STOP TOUCHING ME", When her little hands have reached out to pinch and fiddle at 2am. That being said, I am certain that I would be getting less sleep if I had to get up to go to her in a different room. She would be fully awake and so would I. With her in a crib sidecarred to my bed she has her own space and when she wakes I can either nurse her or resettle her without even sitting up most of the time.
I could go on all day about sleep. But some things I do believe work and are gentle:
1. Early bedtime
2. Routine
3. Naps
4. laying a child down awake but drowsy how they fall asleep is how they want to stay asleep.
5. Not nursing completely to sleep just until the sucking slows.
6. Swaddling first and then grobag when they get to big for swaddling
Monday, October 26, 2009
Day 5: 20 Day Commitment to Becoming a More Mindful Mother
So far I think I have mentioned self-care in all the last 4 days posts. Today's topic is to TAKE TIME FOR OURSELVES. As an attachment parenting family sometimes it feels like the children syphon off all of the time and energy. There are really not very many moments in the day when I am truly alone except for preschool time because Dee has a precious nap at this point in the day. I share my time, body, bed, breasts, bath, heart and soul with my children. I do this willingly because I believe this will help my children feel nurtured and secure when they decide to step away from me. Hopefully they will always know that they have a permanent home base wherever H and I are.
To give this much means that I need to invest in my self and my reserves. If I do not I will not have the resources to be the parent I want to be. I have noticed that I have been short and angry lately. I know this is because I am not taking enough time to focus on me. I think that is really what began this journey. I am doing this for me and as a byproduct my children will hopefully benefit. Often I feel guilty if I take time for me because something else is not being done. I resolve to let this go.
One of the main suggestions on Parenting Passageway is to find a mothering mentor. I do not really have any one person that I could point to and say yes she is the one I look to. I take bits and pieces from the mother's I know. The lack of this person in my life probably stems in part from living so far away from most of our family and friends. Heart to hearts are just not the same over the phone. I have felt the need to branch out and make more 'Mom friends'. I do have some great women in my life that I can talk and vent to and I need to reach out to them more often.
My Plan:
1. Get to the gym. I need to stop making excuses and just go no matter what. I always feel better when I am getting to the gym regularly.
2. Have H take over nighttime duty with the baby some weekends. I have already started this and I feel a million times better.
3. Laugh: my kids are funny and if I'm not in a negative mood I see this.
4. Take time every day to do something just for me and not feel like I am being selfish
5. Call and connect with girlfriends. It always feels great to talk to or get out with the girls.
6. Be grateful for what I have. My life is EXCELLENT! I have a loving, supportive, cooking husband, 2 beautiful healthy kids, 2 warm and fuzzy doggies, a nice home, enough money to sustain us, a support system of people who love me. I could go on and on. I think I will make one day a week dedicated to listing what I feel grateful for at that point in time.
7. Try something new: not sure what yet but I'm going to find something new to experience.
Well my darling daughter is awake and calling so that's all for now.
To give this much means that I need to invest in my self and my reserves. If I do not I will not have the resources to be the parent I want to be. I have noticed that I have been short and angry lately. I know this is because I am not taking enough time to focus on me. I think that is really what began this journey. I am doing this for me and as a byproduct my children will hopefully benefit. Often I feel guilty if I take time for me because something else is not being done. I resolve to let this go.
One of the main suggestions on Parenting Passageway is to find a mothering mentor. I do not really have any one person that I could point to and say yes she is the one I look to. I take bits and pieces from the mother's I know. The lack of this person in my life probably stems in part from living so far away from most of our family and friends. Heart to hearts are just not the same over the phone. I have felt the need to branch out and make more 'Mom friends'. I do have some great women in my life that I can talk and vent to and I need to reach out to them more often.
My Plan:
1. Get to the gym. I need to stop making excuses and just go no matter what. I always feel better when I am getting to the gym regularly.
2. Have H take over nighttime duty with the baby some weekends. I have already started this and I feel a million times better.
3. Laugh: my kids are funny and if I'm not in a negative mood I see this.
4. Take time every day to do something just for me and not feel like I am being selfish
5. Call and connect with girlfriends. It always feels great to talk to or get out with the girls.
6. Be grateful for what I have. My life is EXCELLENT! I have a loving, supportive, cooking husband, 2 beautiful healthy kids, 2 warm and fuzzy doggies, a nice home, enough money to sustain us, a support system of people who love me. I could go on and on. I think I will make one day a week dedicated to listing what I feel grateful for at that point in time.
7. Try something new: not sure what yet but I'm going to find something new to experience.
Well my darling daughter is awake and calling so that's all for now.
Natural Flu Remedies and Immune Boosters
So these are just my thoughts and suggestions and in no way replace a medical professional's advice.
I am pretty sure that my family has already had the swine flu. This is what we did to deal with it.
1. Increase Vitamin D consumption: a recommended daily does is 2000-5000iu depending on the time of year but if you are sick you can increase that to 10,000iu per day. You can check out the Vitamin D councils website for more info. I gave my 8mo old 800iu/day and M 1200iu/day. You can get it in a liquid in the D3 form and this is supposed to be the most bioavailable plus you don't have to swallow 10 pills.
2. Ingest raw garlic: If you've got kids who won't take it you can steep it in olive oil for an hour and rub it into the soles of their feet. We took 2 crushed cloves per day. Garlic is a natural antiviral. FYI you will smell like garlic bread. This is probably the easiest and most effective method.
3. Essential oil rub: 2 drops eucalyptus, 3drops lavender, 3 drops tea tree, 2 drops bergamot (I used marjoram), 10 drops caulophylllum inophyllum (I didn't have this so left it out), mixed in 1oz carrier oil (I used almond). Rub this into the chest, back and soles of feet before bed. H said it caused him to have night sweats but this is a good thing and means his body was shedding the virus. I also used a diffuser for the leftovers. It helped H breathe easier and it kills germs in the air.
3. Vitamin C: I gave my 3.5yr old 1.5G per day when he was sick and dropped it to 500mg when he stopped showing symptoms. H took 4G per day. FYI a large dose of Vit C can give you intestinal upset. Ester-C is easier on the stomach if you are sensitive.
4. Elderberry tincture: This tastes awful by the way but we took 2ml a day. It has been shown to be a better antiviral than Tamiflu. It has been used for centuries around the world.
5. Green Tea: Drink this all day it is also a natural antiviral filled with lots of antioxidants.
6. Tea tree oil bath: 10 drops in epsom salts in the hot bath and then straight to bed. This helps your body absorb the tea tree and loosen up the mucus.
7. Colloidal silver: This is antiviral and antibacterial. I gave M 2 doses of this over 2 days and his symptoms all went away except the night cough. I also gave it to H when he said his chest was feeling tight as he gets bronchitis easily. The feeling was gone the next day.
I am going to keep us all on a maintenance dose of Vit. C & D this winter and see if it helps keep us healthier.
Some other ideas that I didn't try:
Tulsi tea or paste
Zinc lozenges
Vit. E
Homeopathic oscillococcinum
Fresh unpasteurized apple juice
Apple cider vinegar
Hope this helps someone it certainly helped us.
I am pretty sure that my family has already had the swine flu. This is what we did to deal with it.
1. Increase Vitamin D consumption: a recommended daily does is 2000-5000iu depending on the time of year but if you are sick you can increase that to 10,000iu per day. You can check out the Vitamin D councils website for more info. I gave my 8mo old 800iu/day and M 1200iu/day. You can get it in a liquid in the D3 form and this is supposed to be the most bioavailable plus you don't have to swallow 10 pills.
2. Ingest raw garlic: If you've got kids who won't take it you can steep it in olive oil for an hour and rub it into the soles of their feet. We took 2 crushed cloves per day. Garlic is a natural antiviral. FYI you will smell like garlic bread. This is probably the easiest and most effective method.
3. Essential oil rub: 2 drops eucalyptus, 3drops lavender, 3 drops tea tree, 2 drops bergamot (I used marjoram), 10 drops caulophylllum inophyllum (I didn't have this so left it out), mixed in 1oz carrier oil (I used almond). Rub this into the chest, back and soles of feet before bed. H said it caused him to have night sweats but this is a good thing and means his body was shedding the virus. I also used a diffuser for the leftovers. It helped H breathe easier and it kills germs in the air.
3. Vitamin C: I gave my 3.5yr old 1.5G per day when he was sick and dropped it to 500mg when he stopped showing symptoms. H took 4G per day. FYI a large dose of Vit C can give you intestinal upset. Ester-C is easier on the stomach if you are sensitive.
4. Elderberry tincture: This tastes awful by the way but we took 2ml a day. It has been shown to be a better antiviral than Tamiflu. It has been used for centuries around the world.
5. Green Tea: Drink this all day it is also a natural antiviral filled with lots of antioxidants.
6. Tea tree oil bath: 10 drops in epsom salts in the hot bath and then straight to bed. This helps your body absorb the tea tree and loosen up the mucus.
7. Colloidal silver: This is antiviral and antibacterial. I gave M 2 doses of this over 2 days and his symptoms all went away except the night cough. I also gave it to H when he said his chest was feeling tight as he gets bronchitis easily. The feeling was gone the next day.
I am going to keep us all on a maintenance dose of Vit. C & D this winter and see if it helps keep us healthier.
Some other ideas that I didn't try:
Tulsi tea or paste
Zinc lozenges
Vit. E
Homeopathic oscillococcinum
Fresh unpasteurized apple juice
Apple cider vinegar
Hope this helps someone it certainly helped us.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Day 4: 20 Day Commitment to Becoming a More Mindful Mother
Today's subject matter is marriage or if you are not married the relationship with your partner or significant other. My husband has high expectations of my personal reflection today LOL. H and I have been together 9 years and married for 4. Our relationship started when we were both 19 and I believe we have undergone may transformations as a couple and as individuals.
Parenting Passageway asks us to contemplate where our relationship will be in 20 years when our children are gone and we are left alone with our partners without the minute to minute distractions of the kids. What will this time look like? It is probably the stage of life and marriage that I am in but I have been contemplating this topic for some time now. My mother in law is hitting this stage in her life and talking with her has led me to reflect on my own marriage. What will I feel like when these little beings that are currently the center of my world fly off to fulfill their destinies. When I look at my husband in 20 years will I still know and love him as I do now? I hope so. Actually no, I hope that what I feel for him after the next 20 years is deeper and more substantial. I am looking into what I can do now to prepare for this time in our lives. I think part of this preparation will be a sitting down to make our 5, 10, 15, 20 year plans.
Before we were to be married my husbands grandma sent us for marriage preparation. At first I was hesitant and a little resistant. It was a Catholic marriage prep course and I am not Catholic. We opted for the weekend away called Engaged Encounters. It was actually a powerfully moving experience for me. H and I have a very open line of communication but this course required us to do self-reflection and gave us a lot of questions to ask each other that we had not thought of. The one piece of advice that I've carried with me through these 4 years was that love and lust and like are all emotions I will feel for my husband transiently. However I can CHOOSE to love him. Meaning that through loving actions I can make the choice to be loving. During tough times this piece of advice has served to help me bring those loving feelings back.
There is a term parenting as partners. Parenting Passageway has written a really awesome post on this topic. The title says it all. For those of us in a relationship we need to keep in the front of our minds that there are two of us on this parenting journey. Each of us has our different perspective and opinion. Hopefully these perspectives and opinions complement, complete and enhance each others. Often times I find myself annoyed that H is not doing what I want him to at that exact moment or he's not doing it the way I want. It sounds silly but I need to remind myself that he is not telepathic and he is not a woman. A prime example of this would be shortly after the birth of our daughter D (our second child) H was putting her down for a nap. D is demanding and likes things done a certain way. For the first few weeks of her life I felt that I was the only one who could do it properly. So I was hovering and telling him how to do it. He turned around and said "You NEED to let me do this by MYSELF!" After that I let him figure it out. This seemed to give him the space he needed to bond with our daughter.
There are very distinct differences between H and I. H has two very different roles on a daily basis. He has the decisive decision making businessman role and then he has the loving attached father role. I am immersed in the daily life with the kids right now on maternity leave. I do not have two roles at the moment. Sometimes I expect that he should just be able to flip a switch when he comes home and be in his attached father role. It is important for me to remember that when I am working, often I need time to decompress from the day and put my Mama hat on. I think I should check in and find out what H needs to make this daily transition easier.
I truly believe that we all need to feel respected and loved in our homes. I also know that our children absorb these feelings and model our behaviours in this regard. I find that when life is getting chaotic and I feel stressed I can get short with H and he with me. If I notice this I make a conscious effort to change my tone and my words to something softer and more respectful. Nagging and sniping in front of the children only teaches them that this is an appropriate way to interact with the ones we love. This is not the message I want to convey to them. I also feel that any differences of opinions should be discussed in private between H and I. In front of others is neither the time nor the place. It only serves to embarass and will not facilitate open communication. I need an alliance with my husband in order to have the rhythm and peace in my home that I desire.
The ways I meet the needs of my partner and keep our relationship solid:
1. Open, honest communication on a daily basis
2. Physical intimacy
3. Early bedtime for the children (between 7 and 8pm)
4. A regular 'check in' with my partner (how's he doing and feeling?)
5. Self-care (I cannot meet someone else's needs if I do not first meet my own)
My goals for today:
1. Model a respectful loving relationship to my children
2. Reconnect with my husband and invest in our marriage
Parenting Passageway asks us to contemplate where our relationship will be in 20 years when our children are gone and we are left alone with our partners without the minute to minute distractions of the kids. What will this time look like? It is probably the stage of life and marriage that I am in but I have been contemplating this topic for some time now. My mother in law is hitting this stage in her life and talking with her has led me to reflect on my own marriage. What will I feel like when these little beings that are currently the center of my world fly off to fulfill their destinies. When I look at my husband in 20 years will I still know and love him as I do now? I hope so. Actually no, I hope that what I feel for him after the next 20 years is deeper and more substantial. I am looking into what I can do now to prepare for this time in our lives. I think part of this preparation will be a sitting down to make our 5, 10, 15, 20 year plans.
Before we were to be married my husbands grandma sent us for marriage preparation. At first I was hesitant and a little resistant. It was a Catholic marriage prep course and I am not Catholic. We opted for the weekend away called Engaged Encounters. It was actually a powerfully moving experience for me. H and I have a very open line of communication but this course required us to do self-reflection and gave us a lot of questions to ask each other that we had not thought of. The one piece of advice that I've carried with me through these 4 years was that love and lust and like are all emotions I will feel for my husband transiently. However I can CHOOSE to love him. Meaning that through loving actions I can make the choice to be loving. During tough times this piece of advice has served to help me bring those loving feelings back.
There is a term parenting as partners. Parenting Passageway has written a really awesome post on this topic. The title says it all. For those of us in a relationship we need to keep in the front of our minds that there are two of us on this parenting journey. Each of us has our different perspective and opinion. Hopefully these perspectives and opinions complement, complete and enhance each others. Often times I find myself annoyed that H is not doing what I want him to at that exact moment or he's not doing it the way I want. It sounds silly but I need to remind myself that he is not telepathic and he is not a woman. A prime example of this would be shortly after the birth of our daughter D (our second child) H was putting her down for a nap. D is demanding and likes things done a certain way. For the first few weeks of her life I felt that I was the only one who could do it properly. So I was hovering and telling him how to do it. He turned around and said "You NEED to let me do this by MYSELF!" After that I let him figure it out. This seemed to give him the space he needed to bond with our daughter.
There are very distinct differences between H and I. H has two very different roles on a daily basis. He has the decisive decision making businessman role and then he has the loving attached father role. I am immersed in the daily life with the kids right now on maternity leave. I do not have two roles at the moment. Sometimes I expect that he should just be able to flip a switch when he comes home and be in his attached father role. It is important for me to remember that when I am working, often I need time to decompress from the day and put my Mama hat on. I think I should check in and find out what H needs to make this daily transition easier.
I truly believe that we all need to feel respected and loved in our homes. I also know that our children absorb these feelings and model our behaviours in this regard. I find that when life is getting chaotic and I feel stressed I can get short with H and he with me. If I notice this I make a conscious effort to change my tone and my words to something softer and more respectful. Nagging and sniping in front of the children only teaches them that this is an appropriate way to interact with the ones we love. This is not the message I want to convey to them. I also feel that any differences of opinions should be discussed in private between H and I. In front of others is neither the time nor the place. It only serves to embarass and will not facilitate open communication. I need an alliance with my husband in order to have the rhythm and peace in my home that I desire.
The ways I meet the needs of my partner and keep our relationship solid:
1. Open, honest communication on a daily basis
2. Physical intimacy
3. Early bedtime for the children (between 7 and 8pm)
4. A regular 'check in' with my partner (how's he doing and feeling?)
5. Self-care (I cannot meet someone else's needs if I do not first meet my own)
My goals for today:
1. Model a respectful loving relationship to my children
2. Reconnect with my husband and invest in our marriage
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Day 3: 20 Day Commitment to Becoming a More Mindful Mother
Day 3's focus is on being Positive. I woke up grouchy this morning, did not have a good night so today is the perfect day to practice being positive.
I have noticed that if my son's day starts out in a positive light i.e. someone smiles at him the moment he opens his eyes he has a better day. There are less outbursts, less tears, more smiles and more giggles. This is true for all of us but sometimes my days start with a screaming or whining child and it is up to me to keep a positive outlook. My attitude is reflected in my children. I see this every day. If I am grumpy or short with my kids they are grumpy and tearful right back.
What kind of negative person am I? I would like to say I do not have a type and am always positive but this is not so. I guess my classification would be the Woe-is-me type. I often lump all the bad things that are happening together and occasionally feel sorry for myself about all the irritating, terrible things that have happened that day. However, I can say that I often catch myself doing this and turn it around. I really make an effort to make sure that if I am doing this when I am talking about my children I find something positive to say about the so-called negative attributes of the moment. I DO NOT want to be one of those mothers that is always so: woe is me parenting is so hard and my children are so bad. THEY ARE NOT! They are beautiful wonderful, joyful beings and it is my responsibility to bring them joy every day. This, for me, means seeing the joy in the little things. For example getting my daughters diaper changed tear free or my son tells me all about his day at preschool. Life is not perfect but there are good and wonderful aspects throughout every day.
I have been in a bit of a negative slump lately. I am a homebody but I crave interaction with people. It seems like an oxymoron but it's not. I need to connect with people I just like to do it on my own terms and in small groups. I need to get out. This may mean stepping out of my comfort zone but I know that this is what I need to do to get out of the rut that I am in. Any suggestions?
I used to think that all I needed to be happy was my little nuclear family and enough money to sustain us. This is not true. I need friends, a career outside of the home, more education to get to the career goals I am striving for, exersise, sex, SLEEP and creative outlets. However even with all these things I could still be unhappy if I do not make an effort to see joy and positivity in my daily life. The monotony can get me down but if I change my perspective there will be something every day to lift me up. Even if something happens and I cannot have all of these things that I feel are essential to my happiness I can still make the CHOICE to be happy and positive.
My goals for day 3 :
1.Turn a negative situation into a positive one.
2. Lift someone up that's feeling down.
I have noticed that if my son's day starts out in a positive light i.e. someone smiles at him the moment he opens his eyes he has a better day. There are less outbursts, less tears, more smiles and more giggles. This is true for all of us but sometimes my days start with a screaming or whining child and it is up to me to keep a positive outlook. My attitude is reflected in my children. I see this every day. If I am grumpy or short with my kids they are grumpy and tearful right back.
What kind of negative person am I? I would like to say I do not have a type and am always positive but this is not so. I guess my classification would be the Woe-is-me type. I often lump all the bad things that are happening together and occasionally feel sorry for myself about all the irritating, terrible things that have happened that day. However, I can say that I often catch myself doing this and turn it around. I really make an effort to make sure that if I am doing this when I am talking about my children I find something positive to say about the so-called negative attributes of the moment. I DO NOT want to be one of those mothers that is always so: woe is me parenting is so hard and my children are so bad. THEY ARE NOT! They are beautiful wonderful, joyful beings and it is my responsibility to bring them joy every day. This, for me, means seeing the joy in the little things. For example getting my daughters diaper changed tear free or my son tells me all about his day at preschool. Life is not perfect but there are good and wonderful aspects throughout every day.
I have been in a bit of a negative slump lately. I am a homebody but I crave interaction with people. It seems like an oxymoron but it's not. I need to connect with people I just like to do it on my own terms and in small groups. I need to get out. This may mean stepping out of my comfort zone but I know that this is what I need to do to get out of the rut that I am in. Any suggestions?
I used to think that all I needed to be happy was my little nuclear family and enough money to sustain us. This is not true. I need friends, a career outside of the home, more education to get to the career goals I am striving for, exersise, sex, SLEEP and creative outlets. However even with all these things I could still be unhappy if I do not make an effort to see joy and positivity in my daily life. The monotony can get me down but if I change my perspective there will be something every day to lift me up. Even if something happens and I cannot have all of these things that I feel are essential to my happiness I can still make the CHOICE to be happy and positive.
My goals for day 3 :
1.Turn a negative situation into a positive one.
2. Lift someone up that's feeling down.
Friday, October 23, 2009
20 Day Commitment to Being a More Mindful Mother Day 2
Day 2 has a focus on forgiveness and being at peace with one's self.
For me this may prove to be the most difficult part of the journey. I often struggle with self-forgiveness.
Some wounds that require self-forgiveness:
1. I raise my voice at my son more than I would like knowing that this akin to blowing the horn of a car at a cow in the middle of the road. It's not going to change the situation or make my son do what I would like. I cannot parent from the couch or across the room. But it's important forgive myself for the instances in which this happens and just try to do better next time.
2. I have tried spanking as a disciplinary tool as a last resort. I tell my children to use gentle hands and never to hit another living thing. It is hypocritical of me to then use physical punishment as a disciplinary tool. I will forgive myself for spanking and resolve to never do it again. I can feel good about the fact that I apologized for it to my son and explained that it was not right.
3. There have been people along the way that have helped me. I have not always repaid them for that help or even truly thanked them for it. I am changing that aspect of myself and trying to truly appreciate when I have received assistance and thank them for it. I will forgive myself for this and hopefully my inner work will help me change this aspect of myself.
Part of being at peace with who I am as a mother means losing the guilt over these wounds and others. Realizing that I am doing the very best I can with the resources and knowledge that I have. I know that my children are not an extension of me and they will see the world differently than I do or my husband does. I rejoice in this. One of my parenting practices I believe makes a difference is that I try to give an honest explanation for every request I place on my child. Sometimes this means that my son will find another way to achieve what he hears I ultimately want other than the way I asked him to. This is fine. I love that he is thinking it through in his own way. Really is my way the only way? No! My son is wildly creative and he will probably always find a way that is 'outside the box' to do what needs to be done. Great!
Part of the reason this post is so poignant for me is that I tend to acknowledge disappointment and loss by pushing it down deep and locking it away. I do not grieve as deeply as is necessary to forgive and move on. This lets old wounds fester until the infection and explosion point. Acknowledging this in my adulthood has led me to some much needed healing. It's also helped me to realize that this avoidance leads me to burn bridges that I may need later. Maybe some can still be repaired? However I need to forgive myself for the ones that cannot.
Today's focus on forgiveness leads me to contemplate how I've encountered many people who blame their parents for their shortcomings. I myself have done this. Letting go of this is key to healing and changing. Parents give a foundation for life. Our parents were on a journey just as we are. They are not perfect. We have many years after we have left our parent's nest to change what we do not like or enrich what we did. How boring would life be if you left your parents knowing and having everything you needed in life? In my mind forgiveness requires accountability. This means that once we start our journey of adulthood we use the foundation our parents gave us as we see fit.
Essentially what this comes around to for me is that blame and guilt are two powerful negative emotions that I will lessen in my life. I am human, flawed, and limited and I love myself.
My parenting mission statement from Day 1's inner work:
I will empower my children to live their lives with caring, compassion and honesty.
For me this may prove to be the most difficult part of the journey. I often struggle with self-forgiveness.
Some wounds that require self-forgiveness:
1. I raise my voice at my son more than I would like knowing that this akin to blowing the horn of a car at a cow in the middle of the road. It's not going to change the situation or make my son do what I would like. I cannot parent from the couch or across the room. But it's important forgive myself for the instances in which this happens and just try to do better next time.
2. I have tried spanking as a disciplinary tool as a last resort. I tell my children to use gentle hands and never to hit another living thing. It is hypocritical of me to then use physical punishment as a disciplinary tool. I will forgive myself for spanking and resolve to never do it again. I can feel good about the fact that I apologized for it to my son and explained that it was not right.
3. There have been people along the way that have helped me. I have not always repaid them for that help or even truly thanked them for it. I am changing that aspect of myself and trying to truly appreciate when I have received assistance and thank them for it. I will forgive myself for this and hopefully my inner work will help me change this aspect of myself.
Part of being at peace with who I am as a mother means losing the guilt over these wounds and others. Realizing that I am doing the very best I can with the resources and knowledge that I have. I know that my children are not an extension of me and they will see the world differently than I do or my husband does. I rejoice in this. One of my parenting practices I believe makes a difference is that I try to give an honest explanation for every request I place on my child. Sometimes this means that my son will find another way to achieve what he hears I ultimately want other than the way I asked him to. This is fine. I love that he is thinking it through in his own way. Really is my way the only way? No! My son is wildly creative and he will probably always find a way that is 'outside the box' to do what needs to be done. Great!
Part of the reason this post is so poignant for me is that I tend to acknowledge disappointment and loss by pushing it down deep and locking it away. I do not grieve as deeply as is necessary to forgive and move on. This lets old wounds fester until the infection and explosion point. Acknowledging this in my adulthood has led me to some much needed healing. It's also helped me to realize that this avoidance leads me to burn bridges that I may need later. Maybe some can still be repaired? However I need to forgive myself for the ones that cannot.
Today's focus on forgiveness leads me to contemplate how I've encountered many people who blame their parents for their shortcomings. I myself have done this. Letting go of this is key to healing and changing. Parents give a foundation for life. Our parents were on a journey just as we are. They are not perfect. We have many years after we have left our parent's nest to change what we do not like or enrich what we did. How boring would life be if you left your parents knowing and having everything you needed in life? In my mind forgiveness requires accountability. This means that once we start our journey of adulthood we use the foundation our parents gave us as we see fit.
Essentially what this comes around to for me is that blame and guilt are two powerful negative emotions that I will lessen in my life. I am human, flawed, and limited and I love myself.
My parenting mission statement from Day 1's inner work:
I will empower my children to live their lives with caring, compassion and honesty.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
20 day Commitment to Being a More Mindful Mother
Parenting Passageway just finished a series of posts over the course of 20 days on her journey to becoming a more mindful mother. This series has inspired me to do the same so I am starting today. I feel by making it public via the internet I will stick to my commitment better than if I was just journalling for myself.
I need to develop my mission statement as a parent. I usually just fly by the seat of my pants and lately that's not working as well as I would like. I am losing my cool over age appropriate behaviours that just happen to irritate me in that moment. I am struggling with the lack of sleep and lack of patience. I need to change my mindset. If you are feeling like me I challenge you to join me in this journey.
Day 1 is all about inner work. I believe in order to be a great parent we need to know ourselves. So here is some self-reflection for Day 1.
Things I am passionate about:
1. The Environment: I truly believe we all have a part to play in taking care of our world. I try to do as much as I can on a daily basis.
2. Living Healthy and Naturally: This to me means limiting exposure to chemicals and man made products inside and out of our bodies. Doing it ourselves instead of finding a ready made product. Doing what mother nature intended for us. Examples of this in my life would be cooking whole foods and not buying packaged products and growing my own food or buying locally.
3. Being the best mother I can for my children and the best wife for my husband: This does not mean being perfect this means bettering myself at every opportunity I get. This means being fully present for my children.
4. Self-care: If I am not willing to take care of myself and my issues then I have no right to gripe to others about it.
5. Education: This is essential to my sanity. I need to know that there is research behind my decisions. I need to progress and stay current in my profession.
If I had to choose 2 values to pass on to my children it would be Caring and Compassion. I think the world needs more of these values. Maybe some of our societal problems could be diminished if everybody lived their lives with these values at the forefront?
Parenting passageway mentions that most people (in the US) do not have strong beliefs regarding spirituality and religion. I realize this is a lifelong journey but maybe some of my imbalance stems from my lack of entrenched beliefs about these subjects as well. In the next 20 days I hope to explore this and maybe find a path towards spirituality in my life to model for my children.
Those are my self-reflections and thoughts for Day 1.
I need to develop my mission statement as a parent. I usually just fly by the seat of my pants and lately that's not working as well as I would like. I am losing my cool over age appropriate behaviours that just happen to irritate me in that moment. I am struggling with the lack of sleep and lack of patience. I need to change my mindset. If you are feeling like me I challenge you to join me in this journey.
Day 1 is all about inner work. I believe in order to be a great parent we need to know ourselves. So here is some self-reflection for Day 1.
Things I am passionate about:
1. The Environment: I truly believe we all have a part to play in taking care of our world. I try to do as much as I can on a daily basis.
2. Living Healthy and Naturally: This to me means limiting exposure to chemicals and man made products inside and out of our bodies. Doing it ourselves instead of finding a ready made product. Doing what mother nature intended for us. Examples of this in my life would be cooking whole foods and not buying packaged products and growing my own food or buying locally.
3. Being the best mother I can for my children and the best wife for my husband: This does not mean being perfect this means bettering myself at every opportunity I get. This means being fully present for my children.
4. Self-care: If I am not willing to take care of myself and my issues then I have no right to gripe to others about it.
5. Education: This is essential to my sanity. I need to know that there is research behind my decisions. I need to progress and stay current in my profession.
If I had to choose 2 values to pass on to my children it would be Caring and Compassion. I think the world needs more of these values. Maybe some of our societal problems could be diminished if everybody lived their lives with these values at the forefront?
Parenting passageway mentions that most people (in the US) do not have strong beliefs regarding spirituality and religion. I realize this is a lifelong journey but maybe some of my imbalance stems from my lack of entrenched beliefs about these subjects as well. In the next 20 days I hope to explore this and maybe find a path towards spirituality in my life to model for my children.
Those are my self-reflections and thoughts for Day 1.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
2nd Born
We went in for a routine non stress test at 11am on Feb. 18th. I was 41wks pregnant and definitely not in labor. Baby's heart rate was a little high and there were some long decelerations of her heart on a fairly regular basis. My midwife had a "feeling" that something was wrong. She consulted the obstetrician who felt that we could try a pitocin drip to see if the baby could handle stress but it was very unlikely to progress me into labor. I felt there was something wrong and that the drip was a bad idea. We were pink slipped for a c-section that night sometime and I was transferred to a room and kept on the monitor.
Everyone left as it was going to be several hours. Then the baby's heart rate started to drop and kept dropping and took a minute or so to slowly start to pick back up. The obstetrician was phoned and we were heading to the OR in 20 minutes. Chris had been home seeing to the dogs and getting our bags and arrived back at the hospital just in time.
There was something strange with the umbilical cord, the artery was spiralling around the outside. My midwife consulted some colleagues on this as she has never seen it before. She said they told her it always presents in a distressed infant. Looking back she had always had a low heartrate on the doppler that dropped significantly if I wasn't lying on my left side. As for why I didn't go into labor or why the weeks of contractions I was having didn't do anything for my cervix. I believe that it was because the baby knew it was not safe. The baby releases the hormones that start labour and she knew she didn't want labour to start.
Baby came out and cried and apgars were good. No concerns. We went to a room for recovery and after a quick assessment she latched for the first time like a pro. Man she likes to eat. Must be something in the genetics. My son met his baby sister and was very in awe of her. Although confused as to why his baby in his tummy had not come out. I think the difference in the start of our breastfeeding relationship is key to the lack of issues we have had compared to what I went through with my son.
The first night was rough for our little family. The hospital was not the place we ever wanted to be to experience our miracle although we are thankful that it was there to bring us a healthy baby girl. We had a lot of checks and the place was noisy and uncomfortable. I was incredibly itchy which is a side effect of one of the drugs I had after surgery. I got up 2 hrs after surgery when the spinal wore off. The second day was hard with little sleep. I also got this referred shoulder pain from the gas that gets trapped in you when you have abdominal surgery. That was one of the more excruciating pains in my life. I felt like someone was dislocating my shoulder over and over again and I couldn't breathe. I've never been one for pain medication but I was thankful for the morphine that got me through the worst of that.
Now we are home and lounging on the couch and we are back to life as we know it. The dogs are adjusting although they think baby smells funny. Although not how we planned it the outcome was a happy healthy one.
Edited to add: My daughter is now 9 weeks and a happy little girl.
Everyone left as it was going to be several hours. Then the baby's heart rate started to drop and kept dropping and took a minute or so to slowly start to pick back up. The obstetrician was phoned and we were heading to the OR in 20 minutes. Chris had been home seeing to the dogs and getting our bags and arrived back at the hospital just in time.
There was something strange with the umbilical cord, the artery was spiralling around the outside. My midwife consulted some colleagues on this as she has never seen it before. She said they told her it always presents in a distressed infant. Looking back she had always had a low heartrate on the doppler that dropped significantly if I wasn't lying on my left side. As for why I didn't go into labor or why the weeks of contractions I was having didn't do anything for my cervix. I believe that it was because the baby knew it was not safe. The baby releases the hormones that start labour and she knew she didn't want labour to start.
Baby came out and cried and apgars were good. No concerns. We went to a room for recovery and after a quick assessment she latched for the first time like a pro. Man she likes to eat. Must be something in the genetics. My son met his baby sister and was very in awe of her. Although confused as to why his baby in his tummy had not come out. I think the difference in the start of our breastfeeding relationship is key to the lack of issues we have had compared to what I went through with my son.
The first night was rough for our little family. The hospital was not the place we ever wanted to be to experience our miracle although we are thankful that it was there to bring us a healthy baby girl. We had a lot of checks and the place was noisy and uncomfortable. I was incredibly itchy which is a side effect of one of the drugs I had after surgery. I got up 2 hrs after surgery when the spinal wore off. The second day was hard with little sleep. I also got this referred shoulder pain from the gas that gets trapped in you when you have abdominal surgery. That was one of the more excruciating pains in my life. I felt like someone was dislocating my shoulder over and over again and I couldn't breathe. I've never been one for pain medication but I was thankful for the morphine that got me through the worst of that.
Now we are home and lounging on the couch and we are back to life as we know it. The dogs are adjusting although they think baby smells funny. Although not how we planned it the outcome was a happy healthy one.
Edited to add: My daughter is now 9 weeks and a happy little girl.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Brave has nothing to do with it from
When hearing the news that I had my last baby at home and am planning to have this one at home as well, the first response from most people is, "You're so brave." This has to be one of the most irritating things that people say to homebirthers. The implication is that birth is dangerous and that we are willing to take on a tremendous risk to do it anywhere but a hospital. It negates the research and planning that we've done to come to this decision. It makes the choice about balls, not brains. After all, homebirth is "dangerous." Hospital birth is "safe." Therefor, it must be bravado alone that would lead a woman to choosing such an option. Right? In 2003, over 20% of women had their labors induced, with a rate closer to 40% in many hospitals, while that rate should not exceed 10% (and has remained at 10% in most industrialized nations). Inductions are approximately 5 times more likely among planned hospital births than planned homebirths. An 1999 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology "Green Journal" review of 7000 inductions found that 3 out of 4 of the inductions were not medically necessary. Inductions are performed unnecessarily for estimated size of the baby (too large or too small), going past the estimated due date, amniotic fluid levels that are low but not critically low (correctable in nearly all cases by rehydration of the mother), rupture of membranes without immediate start of labor, the mother being dilated/effaced but not in active labor, or scheduling reasons on the part of the mother or care provider. Approximately 40-50% of inductions fail (depending on the induction method used and the mother's Bishop score), and most failed inductions end in cesarean section. Inductions increase labor pain and length, and create, among other problems, an increased risk of fetal distress, uterine rupture, and cesarean section. But homebirth is "dangerous." Hospital birth is "safe." Over 30% of women in the US have cesarean sections, while overwhelming research has led the World Health Organization to set an ideal standard rate of cesarean sections at 10-12%, with 15% being the rate where more harm is being done instead of good. Cesareans are performed at a similar rate across all risk groups, low to high. The cesarean rate for planned births at home or in an independent birthing center is approximately 4%. Cesarean sections increase the likelihood of maternal death by as much as 4 times, and have other immediate and long-term heath risks for mothers that include, but are not limited to, infection, bowel or bladder perforation, hysterectomy, future infertility, and increased risk of uterine rupture for future pregnancies. Risks for the baby include respiratory distress, fetal injury, prematurity (if result of schedule section or failed induction), and breastfeeding difficulties. Four of the greatest causes for the increase in cesarean section are overuse of interventions during labor, concern for malpractice/liability on the part of care providers, failed labor inductions, and "failure to progress" (labor not progressing fast enough or regularly enough for care providers). But homebirth is "dangerous" and hospital birth is "safe." The ACOG and AMA have both come out against homebirthing, calling it a dangerous trend and referring to it as a "fashionable, trendy, [...] the latest cause célèbre," and they paint a horrible picture of complications arising in low-risk pregnancies with no warning that cannot be handled anywhere but the hospital. Despite that, the most thorough study ever done on homebirth safety, Kenneth C Johnson and Betty-Anne Daviss's Outcomes of planned home births with certified professional midwives: large prospective study in North America, BMJ 2005;330:1416 (18 June), found that the outcomes of planned homebirths for low risk mothers were the same as the outcomes of planned hospital births for low risk mothers, with a significantly lower incident of interventions in the homebirth group. The Lewis Mehl Study of home and hospital births, which matched couples in each group for age, parity, education, race, and pregnancy/birth risk factors, found the hospital group had 9 times the rate of episiotomies and tearing, 3 times the cesarean rate, 6 times the fetal distress, 2 times the use of oxytocin for induction/augmentation, 9 times the use of analgesia/anesthesia, 5 times the rate of maternal blood pressure increase, 3 times the rate of maternal hemorrhage, 4 times the rate of infection, 20 times the rate of forceps use, and 30 times the rate of birth injuries (including skull fractures and nerve damage). Breastfeeding success rates are higher and postpartum depression rates are lower for planned homebirths. But homebirth is "dangerous" and hospital birth is "safe." The United States spends more per pregnancy/birth than any other country, the vast majority of women in the US give birth in hospitals, and yet the US's maternal death rate is the worst among 28 industrialized nations and the neonatal mortality rate is the second worst. The Netherlands, where 36% of babies are born at home, has lower maternal and neonatal mortality rates than the US. Denmark, where all women have access to the option for a safe and legal home birth, has one of the lowest maternal and neonatal mortality rates. But homebirth is "dangerous," hospital birth is "safe," and Brutus is an honorable man. I didn't choose a homebirth because I am brave. Bravery has little to do with it. If anything, I believe women who choose to give birth in US hospitals are the brave ones, because knowing what I know about our technocratic obstetrical system, I can't imagine voluntarily choosing an obstetrician and a hospital for anything but absolute medical necessity. My decision to homebirth wasn't made in a void, but based upon years of research. I wonder how much research the average woman puts into her hospital birth? Considering how many times I've heard someone say "I'm glad I was in the hospital because..." and then given as her reason a non-emergent situation (such as fetal size or nuchal cords), I'd say not that much. Call me stubborn, because I wasn't willing to accept out of hand the culturally held belief that hospitals are safer. Call me an idealist, because I believe that birth can be a positive, safe, and empowering experience for child and mother. Call me a nonconformist, because I choose to birth at home in defiance of a powerful technocratic system. Call me outspoken, because I can't keep my mouth shut when I hear about yet another iatrogenic birth calamity. Call me a "birth nazi," because I believe it's the right and responsibility of every woman to educate herself about birth and take ownership of her birth experience. But brave? Don't call me brave. "Brave" has nothing to do with it. This is from a MDC mama on her personal blog linked in the title. I totally agree with her and could not have written it better myself. |
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