I must admit I still had some preconceived notions of what a 'good birth' is this third time around. We all know the end result that is desired is a healthy baby and mom. But what is a 'good birth'? I did not get my VBA2C. This birthing experience ended in another unplanned cesarean. However I would still deem it a 'good birth'. I will always grieve the fact that I never got to experience a vaginal birth but I feel that this experience was healing for me. As my doula points out this was likely the result of all the emotional work that I put into healing from my previous 2 cesareans. I now know in my heart and in my mind that all 3 of my surgical births were medically necessary. I do not feel like my body failed me. I feel grateful that modern medicine was able to safely get my darling babies outside. Each had their own valid reason for needing to come into the world this way.
J’s Birth Story:
J’s Birth Story:
I woke up bright and early on
Good Friday morning at 515am with contractions that were painful and about
15-30min apart. I was staring at Chris’s face when he woke up. He got a little
freaked but I was excited. I had actually gone into labour or at least it felt
like it was going to be. I went about getting ready for the day and was getting
my makeup on when I felt something gooey slide out. I quickly wiped and saw
that it was my mucous plug. I texted my mw to let her know and she said to just
keep ignoring it until I couldn’t anymore. We got everything left ready to go
to the hospital just in case things went fast. I texted Jen to say I might need
her for the kids that day. I went to the grocery store to get some last minute
supplies and stuff for Emmett’s party the next day because this might peter
out. I got together the kids Easter stuff into a garbage bag and we packed
overnight bags for the kids. I attempted to eat all day since I knew I was
going to need the energy. By the evening I was having to breathe through
contractions I texted the doula to let her know where things were at. She was
encouraging. I called Jen and she said she would come and get the kids. I had
to tell Emmett at some point during the day that his party might not happen if
the baby was coming. He kept saying what if she doesn’t? This was hard I didn’t want him to resent his
sister for arriving on this day. I told him she was in the heat of a
contraction. The kids kept staring at me when I was breathing through the contractions.
I tried to reassure them but they still looked so scared. They cried and cried
when Jen came to get them. I felt terrible like I hadn’t prepared them for
this. My heart broke sending them away but it felt like I needed all of Chris’s
attention, which couldn’t happen with the kids there.
We went for a walk after they
left and the contractions sped up to 3-4min apart. I decided to have a bath and
try to sleep a little. The bath felt good but hard to move with the
contractions. The contractions seemed to be coming in a pattern of one long one
and then some smaller ones. I rested on and off get up to the bathroom several
times and after pee or bowel movement I had a contraction on the toilet with so
much pressure on my tailbone. The contractions never stopped but they spaced
out a bit by morning. I called the mw to come and check she wanted me to go to
the hospital in case I needed pain medication or gravol. I had already taken
Gravol and didn’t want anything for pain. She came and checked me. I was effaced
but not dilated yet. This was disappointing because the contractions felt real
but didn’t seem like they were doing real work. I also had ketones in my urine
and needed to eat and drink more. She asked about the pattern and I told her.
She said it was likely the baby’s position and suggested doing the miles
circuit. I called the doula after this and cried about the disappointment she
helped me to breathe through some contractions and relax in the bath. I tried
to drink a smoothie and juice and some emergen C packets in juice and water. At
some point I vomited up the smoothie. I think it was after the first round of
the miles circuit. That was hard. The contractions while in the inversion
position were excruciating shakey contractions. I rested for a while and then
when the contraction pattern didn’t change I did another round of the miles
circuit. By evening I was feeling like I wanted to see the mw again. The
contractions were very painful in my back and hips. It felt like they were
simultaneously being burned and ripped apart. I ate a couple bites of soup but
that was all I could stomach. Tried to distract with tv but it didn’t really
work. We met at the hospital that night and she monitored the baby and checked
my urine, which was full of ketones still. I got a couple bags of fluid. Baby
wasn’t totally happy at first until I got the fluid. We were there for quite a
while until the monitoring looked better. Then we headed home again about 9pm
to try and sleep again. The contractions picked up when we got home. I had
another bath but couldn’t stay in. I tried to sleep but the contractions were
4-6min apart and they got harder I was having to vocalize through them and
waking Chris up. Needless to say I got no sleep that night. I had the heating
pad on my hips and was buried under the warm blanket but had to throw
everything off during a contraction. Still some were worse than others some I
felt like I couldn’t get to the peak. Chris was a trooper pushing on my back
and hips to counter the pressure. I think he only slept through one or two. I
could tell he felt helpless but was doing what he could.
I got up around 6 and called the
doula to talk through it with her. I felt like I couldn’t do it anymore like I
just needed a rest and maybe if I got some meds I could do that. She agreed and
I called the mw not thinking it was Easter morning and she likely had plans
with her family. She met us at the hospital at 730. She put me on the monitor
and checked my urine, which was not too bad. The monitoring was still showing a
not very happy baby, no variability. I drank some juice to try and pick it up.
I tried lying down, nope that was way to painful I was writhing on the bed. I
told the mw I was probably getting dehydrated again so she gave me some more
fluid and went to get herself food and call the ob to find out what I could
take for pain since I am allergic to morphine. We still hadn’t gotten a good
monitoring strip on the baby by the time the fluid was in and the mw was back. She
checked me and I was 1 cm dilated and station was still very high. She went to
show the ob the strip and consult. The ob came in to talk to us. She said at
this point they could not send me home with pain meds because that would
depress the baby’s responses even more. She gave me the option of breaking my
water and starting Pitocin and an epidural. She said she the chance of it
working was small and that it was a stress test for the baby. She said the
other option was to go for the c-section sometime that day. She gave Chris and
I time to talk about it. She was the NICEST OB I have ever met. She sat on my
bed and talked to me like a person. I immediately trusted her. I asked about
delayed cord clamping and she agreed. I decided I couldn’t go through with the
induction. I knew in my heart it wouldn’t lead to a vaginal birth it would only
be so I could say I tried everything. I knew that I was at the end of my rope.
I decided I couldn’t take the chance of the baby ending up in distress and
going through all of those interventions just to end in another c-section and
then to possibly have the baby go to the NICU or for me to have complications
with the epidural. We told the mw and she told the ob who said 1-2hrs. I called
the doula to come. I felt like a failure but knew I was making the right
The mw got me prepped for the
surgery, the ob came in and got my consent, bloodwork was taken, all the while
between fast and furious contractions. Chris ran home to get the bags although
he was afraid to leave. Every time he has left I have had to be whisked to the
OR with a baby in extreme distress. The monitor kept falling off. I wanted to
ditch it but the mw said no since the baby is not happy we can’t. At this point
things got fuzzy. I remember Chris and the doula arriving and having to stand
between contractions and then excruciating agony of the catheter that took 2
attempts. Then it was in and during a contraction I was peeing down my legs.
I’m a nurse. I know that the pee is not supposed to go past the catheter. So
back on the bed for more agony, lying down during a contraction was so intense.
The mw got it fixed and although I felt the awful burning sensation no urine
was running down my legs. A nurse came to get me with the OB for the OR. I
remember the doula not getting dressed for the OR and wondering why but not
asking. I found out later the nurse didn’t believe in doula’s in the OR and had
made a fuss before. The mw and the doula decided I needed a calm, drama free
birth so she didn’t come in. The mw stayed with me in the OR while I was
getting the spinal. She held my hands while I held the table. I had about 4
contractions in the 15 minutes it took to get that spinal in and I had to hold
still for all of them. I remember the anesthetist land marking with my hips and
just about jumping out of my skin because they were so sore from the
contractions. The relief after the spinal took effect made me feel euphoric. It
was bliss. I made a conscious decision to feel happiness in these next moments
and not disappointed. It was my last baby’s birthday and I was going to
celebrate. The stars had lined up with the OB being great, the paediatrician on
call was fabulous, the OR was available right away, and the other nurses in the
room were jovial and joked with me. No talking over top of me, no time alone in
the OR, my wishes were being heard and respected. I made the decision to be
present and to not let anxiety, fear or disappointment cloud this moment. I
could only do this because I had mentally prepared for this possibility and I
had been through this twice before. The mw lined up the baby warmer with my
head so I could see everything. They brought the camera in the OR. This was
huge I have no photos of either of my older children’s birth. My husband took a
photo of her coming out. The OB exclaimed"Oh there's her face" she told us she was face up with her forehead pressed to the front of my pelvis. This presentation was why she wasn't descending and I wasn't dilating. t didn’t get skin to skin or nursing in the OR but
Chris did skin to skin as soon as they got back to the room. I had to stay in
the OR for a bit after they closed me to get a special anesthetic block of my
abdomen because of my allergy. That was fabulous. I didn’t feel a thing. I had
such poor pain control last time it really traumatized me so I was very
grateful for this.
My mw recovered me because the L&D
department was short nurses. I knew from previous conversations that she didn’t
do this I was supposed to go off to the surgical recovery ward where I couldn’t
have my baby or nurse. I was incredibly grateful to her for this. It made a
world of difference in my experience. The doula snapped pictures, we called the
kids and I blubbered on the phone scaring my 8 year old. They arrived an hour
later and I blubbered all over again pulling them into bed with me. That was
the hardest part being separated from them, sending them off again afterwards,
my son’s cancelled party, their tears and sadness. At this point I had been up
over 58hrs and I didn’t sleep until that night. I was woken every 3hrs by the
nurse to make sure I wasn’t bleeding out or suffering a post op complication. I
was a bit cranky with her and she was old school but in hindsight she was great
because she brought me my meds and made me take them on time and had everything
prepped in the bathroom for me to get up to. The OB let me out a day early
because of the construction outside my room starting up. The staff knew I was
eager to leave and got all the paperwork done. My mw told me that the cord blood gases were pretty bad and that J would not have tolerated the induction at all. This and the OB's statement of the presentation helped me to make sense of my body's response and validated my choice. All in all I felt supported
which made this my best birth experience and very healing. I will always mourn
the fact that I will never experience a vaginal birth but I don’t feel broken
or that my birth’s weren’t the ‘right kind’ anymore.
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